Saturday, November 3, 2007

Session Premium Lager

Man, do I ever have a weakness for any swill in a stubby bottle. I just love stubby bottles. They are aerodynamic as they fly out the car window smashing delightfully with a complete crash rather than the hard bottle syndrome demonstrated by the ever so present Long Red Neck. Ok, back to the beer. It is never the package to us beer nuts. It is always the beer.

Ok...the beer tastes like I remember Blitz Weinhard of Portland, Oregon as a kid. I like it and I will drink it again to be sure. It is a mildly hoppy, slightly darker than pale, light colored premium beer that blows Budweiser out of the water. and I love the hell out of the package. 11 oz. bottle, 5.1 percent alc. drink it daily. Recommended...Full Sail Brewing Company, Hood River, OR.

4.5 out of 5 Points good stuff to be think I would buy crap...It is bound to happen and you will read how I just hate Magnum Malt Liquor to death. Late

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