Friday, April 25, 2008

Arrogant Bastard Ale

It reminds me of Sierra Nevada Harvest or Racer 5. I think that this beer is a fine one and definitely not the one you want to select for the first one of the day. It is strong flavored with hops being the prominent player. Pours with a nice dark color and a long lasting tan head. It smells of hops and earth and alcohol. It is good but it pales in comparison with the Sierra Nevada. Stone does some great work and I like their packaging but sometimes I feel that they put ingredients together strong with little thought to balance just because they feel that is the cool thing to do. A bit more forethought and the brew would be perfect. Brew it and I will drink it.

4 out of 5 points Points for trying such an ambitious hop profile.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Old Milwaukee

Good smooth, slightly sweet, slightly malty and nice to drink...think I'll have twelve. Not at all bad beer, good in the back yard on a hot day and I will have another I am sure.

5 out of 5 For an American style pilsner in its true watered down form, this one has good flavor.


Stag by Heileman? Heilemann in Milwaukee? Oh well, it is Stag none the less and It is really not a bad beer. It was inexpensive and somewhat drinkable. There used be a story my uncle Mac would tell me. Back in the day, if you had a friend come over and you were to offer him a beer and all you had left was some Stag, he would reply, "that's OK, I'll go thirsty". That was in the 70's and that was also when G. Heilemann Brewing Company of La Crosse, WI was in their heyday...they were buying up breweries, including Stag of Edwardsville, IL. What they, in my opinion, were not well known for, was producing great tasting beer. Over rated in my opinion, even their premium brands...they all had that stale flavor. Gross. This however is much better and I recommend it as it is probably much closer to the original recipe than Heilemann ever got and that is the truth.

3 out of 5 Hey, I didn't wretch and gag and I am still alive to tell the was good.


Icehouse by Plank Road...Miller. I never really liked this beer. It is harsh like a malt liquor and there are even better malt liquors out there. Not my favorite to be sure.

2.5 out of 5

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Empyrean Burning Skye

Empyrean Brewing just used to be good old Laslo's in stinkin' Lincoln which was the first brewpub in Nebraska. Brewed good beers and had fine eats in the old Clothing Store building in the market area of Lincoln. Then they decided to get all pretentious and name the beers weird names and get all fancy with the ingredients. OK, no fault there, as the beer is still good.

This is a Scottish Style Ale. Whatever. It could be named several things as far as I am concerned and the general drinking pub customer will not be the wiser. However, there is some real effort at being "Scottish". 2 row crystal, Honey, Rauch, Maris Otter and Chocolate malts were all used in conjunction with happy cascade hops for the bittering. There is a good deal of malt going on there and sweetness that is barely foiled by the cascades. It smells of peat, soil and spicy hops and pours with a nice off white head. It drinks smooth and it is sweet as I said but what the hell is it. I have had this beer before and it was named something else. I can't put a finger on it. It is good though.

4 out of 5 points No points for trying to mess with the names of beers though...


Big Evil Brewing Empire From Hell brews pretty good beer. Say what you will, I like Busch and have always had an aversion to the flavor of Budweiser. Busch is smooth, mildly malty and has a pleasant effervescence to it that brightens the soul at least until the sixth one. Then I suppose it is just down hill to Porcelain ville. Oh, crap, what do you want me to write...? A long paragraph about the subtle hints of flavors that are barely there? It is American Premium style Pilsener...there is a void of true flavor and a boat load of soda pop goodness. If you like that...and I do at times, then enjoy. If you like Sierra Nevada for its mild flavor (yeah, right) then drink that...Enjoy.

4.5 out of 5 in its class, it stands out as great. Ignore the Busch Light...interesting...on the spell checker, when you click on pilsener, it suggests, poisoner.

Yuengling Porter

Brewed expressly for tavern and family trade. That is what the label says. Whatever, I just want it to pour effortlessly into my mouth. Nice dark color, Nice creamy tan head that holds its own. This is not the Porter from Hell or anything, it is just simply the good quality, well made, good tasting porter that has its betters to be sure. It is certainly no slouch in the flavor department with its smoky beginning leading into the Caramel, chocolate happiness that I love about porter. So often, brewers try to put so much power into a porter that it loses the simple workingman qualities that porter in its most true form possesses. I like it this way. If you like porter but find this to be too strong, give the Yuengling Black and Tan a good try. It is porter light.

4.5 out of 5 points. Mmmmmm, even good on a Ritz.

Lord Chesterfield Ale

Made by Yuengling, Reminds me of a high quality Ballantyne Ale or a Genesee 12 Horse Ale. I even drank this at room temperature and I was not struck with bitter beer face. Pours with a white head of short duration. Crisp flavor with citrus hops with a crystal clear view of golden color. It is good.

4 out of 5 points The oldest brewery in America brews some fine them out.

Czar Imperial Stout

By Avery, the brewers of the Hog Heaven and other fine, delicious swill out of Colorado. I mean, for being a third world country, Colorado produces some really fine beers. Dark as the darkest nights with really warm warming alcohol, this brew is really heavy and hoppy. It is like a meal in a bottle and I enjoyed this fine concoction over the course of an entire evening. Enjoyed with a CAO Brazillia cigar to my wife's dismay. It was worth it however.

4.9 out of 5 An "E" ticket...take the damn ride and shut up.

Hazed and Infused

Boulder Brewing Company, Boulder Beer Company, Rockies Brewing Company...what ever they are calling themselves lately...
This beer reminds me of the standard IPA in the American Style. I like it but it is not for the faint of heart. There is strong hop presence that is flowery and crisp to the nose and assaults the tongue like a banshee. It is good however and worthy. Just don't expect this beer to quench any particular thirst that you may have. The hops will scrape the moisture right off your

4.8 out of 5 I like it and napalm has its followers as well.