Monday, November 26, 2007

Henry Weinhards Blonde

I have always for the most part liked Henry's. That being said, I would also say that their Blue Boar Pale Ale could have a modernization of sorts of its recipe to reflect the escalation of the malts and hops present in today's craft beers. This brew starts out a bit richer with more of a malt balance and the hops are present. As beers go, I see quite a bit of good, drinkability in this beer. While it will certainly not overwhelm all but Bud Light trained palettes, it has good drinkable quality and much better balance than their Pale Ale.

At first pour, it has a golden hue with nice beige foam that leaves a mild lace as it goes down. The nose is rather mild and the taste is malty, sweet with a nice mellow bitter from the hops. I have tasted other blonde's and this one would hold its own as a lesser competitor. Not unworthy, yet not at the apex either. I really love the work that Full Sail has done with these brands. This beer is a far cry from the vile sophomoric swill that they named Hefeweitzen about ten years ago. It was gross. This beer was worth my time and I over the course of two days consumed all six. OK, I am hard up and would consume six of anything because I am too cheap to let beer go to waste. But, what I am saying is that these six were pleasant. Far more pleasant that that nasty hefe. Here is a beer that will not offend nor disappoint. Is this a session beer? I have no frigging idea what a session beer is. My session in this case was rather successful and a pleasure as well.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Stone Pale Ale

Alright. I know that when I get a new beer in me that I just have to give you the experience and all that. "bla, bla, blasphemy"

When, I first opened this beer, it reminded me of Anchor Steam with the loud, powerful hiss and the lingering steaming veil over the bottle. It poured nice and rich, with a nice abundant head that smelled like nice delicious hops. The very first sip and I thought to myself that it was a great thing that I did not decide to go with the IPA...but then I thought to myself, this is not really a pure pale ale. I mean, it has all the flavor characteristics going for it...until you look at it. It reminds me of Fritz Maytag's evil brew. I hope he sues me for saying it, now that his crummy washing machines are now being made in Mexico. Sellout loser bastard...what are you going to do next? Sell the brewery, to S&P?

But, seriously folks. The Stone Brewing Company is in Escondido, California. Which gives me the hint, that with as much as that dried up loser and QUAFF beer snob and crony Rich Link has been banging the drum about Stone in the Celebrator Magazine, there has to be some QUAFF arrogant influence somewhere. I remember when I lived in San Diego and QUAFF was having their meetings at the Pacific Beach Brewing Company. A member owned the brewery and I was there with a friend who was a member. I ordered a stout and it was infected and spoiled. They got it going on for sure. That was a while back. If you don't believe me, just look up quaff on Google and find the site. Arrogant. However, this beer is fine and I recommend it. Regardless of what the heck it is.

4 out of 5 points maybe 4.5 out of five. It is good to be sure.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Blitz Weinhard Pale Ale

I have always loved the green. When I toured the brewery in 1990 during the Portland Rose Festival, it was a bittersweet joy. I really wished that I had the chance to try these beers before they were overwhelmed, abused and trodden down by corporate punks with no passion or pride for that matter. The beer was a bit light in the malt department like I remember it. It had a flowery, spicy hop nose like I remember it, although not as pronounced. Could be that since this is Oregon beer being sold in North Dakota that it was not as fresh as it could have been. Still good. I was burning the dump in my shitty little berg occupied by assholes and food stamp collecting pot squats when the beer tasted pretty good and broke up the toxic smoke medley with pride. This beer is brewed by Full Sail out of Hood River, Oregon. Well done, it is true to the original recipe...time for a remix of the old recipe and not the hack job that G. Heilemann Brewing Company did to it in the 90's.

Recommended 3.5 out of 5 points

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Session Premium Lager

Man, do I ever have a weakness for any swill in a stubby bottle. I just love stubby bottles. They are aerodynamic as they fly out the car window smashing delightfully with a complete crash rather than the hard bottle syndrome demonstrated by the ever so present Long Red Neck. Ok, back to the beer. It is never the package to us beer nuts. It is always the beer.

Ok...the beer tastes like I remember Blitz Weinhard of Portland, Oregon as a kid. I like it and I will drink it again to be sure. It is a mildly hoppy, slightly darker than pale, light colored premium beer that blows Budweiser out of the water. and I love the hell out of the package. 11 oz. bottle, 5.1 percent alc. drink it daily. Recommended...Full Sail Brewing Company, Hood River, OR.

4.5 out of 5 Points good stuff to be think I would buy crap...It is bound to happen and you will read how I just hate Magnum Malt Liquor to death. Late