Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Blitz Weinhard Pale Ale

I have always loved the green. When I toured the brewery in 1990 during the Portland Rose Festival, it was a bittersweet joy. I really wished that I had the chance to try these beers before they were overwhelmed, abused and trodden down by corporate punks with no passion or pride for that matter. The beer was a bit light in the malt department like I remember it. It had a flowery, spicy hop nose like I remember it, although not as pronounced. Could be that since this is Oregon beer being sold in North Dakota that it was not as fresh as it could have been. Still good. I was burning the dump in my shitty little berg occupied by assholes and food stamp collecting pot squats when the beer tasted pretty good and broke up the toxic smoke medley with pride. This beer is brewed by Full Sail out of Hood River, Oregon. Well done, it is true to the original recipe...time for a remix of the old recipe and not the hack job that G. Heilemann Brewing Company did to it in the 90's.

Recommended 3.5 out of 5 points

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