Friday, August 31, 2007

Tommyknocker Maple Nut Brown Ale

Let me tell you the truth...I have never tried any of these beers by Tommy knocker. I absolutely thought that the name of this beer is stupid. I have always hated the labeling and appearance of the products that they produce (kinda like Rogue) and have always bought other brands when the choice appeared. Well, the other day, I was asked about what kinds of beers a person should try and what I thought was good. I replied that it really doesn't matter what I personally think is good as that does not apply to what you as a person feels. We can try the same beer and agree on some of the beer attributes and qualities. Sure, but when it all comes down to it, there is nothing that says that we have to agree about whether the beer is good or it is swill. I love all kinds of beers. Some people like only the beer that they drink and will not stray. My point? The beer lover must decide for themselves what they like. Pick out the ugliest packaging on the shelf and give it a try. You see how I painted myself into a corner now don't you?

At any rate...Tommy knocker Maple Nut Brown Ale has some great qualities. Is it a British style nut brown? Well, could be as it has the nice mouth feel and the smooth characteristics of a Samuel Smith's. In fact, it is rather sweet. I am convinced that it is a result of its 3.2 percent torturing by the state of Colorado. At 5 percent this beer would be a brew to be reckoned with but it would lose some of that silky smooth flavor that the lower alcohol allows for. Is it a great beer? No, but it is a good beer...a better beer than the label would indicate. Recommended.

Brown Ale 3.75 out of 5 points I liked the silky sweet satisfying package that was it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Bayern Dancing Trout Beer

To enter this subject and give you the knowledge you need to proceed with impunity will require a bit of background on the Bayern Brewing Company. I will tell you this: That crazy German that brews the beer there has his stuff in one sock. I am so impressed with all the offerings by this brewery that I could care less what kind of beer it is. As long as it says "Bayern" I am sure that it is good.

This beer is a Light Wheat Ale. The flavor is full and I love that when there is the word light in the name of a beer. With that out of the way, I will add that there is a rich creamy caramel base with a good amount (not too much) of hops and a mouthfeel that belongs in a German Hofbrau house. I want to try this brew in my German mug that my brother gave me after he went to Germany last year. By the way, the mug says "bayern" on it and my brother says that the word means Bavaria.

This brew is the great fishing beer. I read from the six pack label that Bayern has dedicated Dancing Trout to sponsor Montana Trout Unlimited. Don't get me wrong, I am not really a big environmentalist. I do however respect the willingness of Bayern to stand firm on its convictions and try to make a difference. I love trout fishing along with all fishing in general. I also like the fact that I can drink a beer that feels the way I do and acts on that. The beer is great and highly recommended. You crazy German, just keep on doing what you do well and I will keep drinking it as long as my liver holds out.

Wheat Ale 4.5 out of 5 points Great Show

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A good Beer Read

Check this out I like reading about some of this stuff.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

La Crosse Lager

Let's go back 20 or so years to La Crosse, WI...The G. Heileman brewing company had grown into a massive corporate powerhouse of regional brands. The brewing industry was and had been for some time a very cutthroat enterprise. The competition was fierce and in some ways G. Heileman was going in the right direction. Enter Alan Bond and his holding company. There was scandal, false valuation of this man and his assets and the whole thing came tumbling down. The pieces that was G. Heileman ended up going different directions to brewers that really had no interest in keeping the good G. Heileman name going and the whole enterprise became a mess where the consumer no longer had any idea who was brewing what.

The last time I was at the La Crosse brewery was when I worked for Crete Carriers hauling their Old Milwaukee beer to Omaha. This was 1998 and the workers said that the brewery was owned at that point by Stroh. Which makes sense as Old Milwaukee was never a G. Heileman brand. Then the brewery closed sometime after that, leaving the employees and La Crosse holding the bag. A local group purchased the brewery, naming it City Brewery. They didn't own the hallmark Old Style name so new brands were created. There was money troubles and an ownership change. The large Old Style sign was removed from the top of the brewery building and they plugged away brewing their new brands. I live in North Dakota and never saw any of the brands but I kept looking. I think that the loss of the Old Style brand was a hidden blessing because any of the cheap incarnations I tasted were not pleasant.

Fast forward to La Crosse Lager with its distinctive label and and fresh new image. Here is a beer that I would visit the brewery for. It has a typical American Premium style to it. It has a crisp hop signature that is satisfying. It has flavor; more so than the major brewers in the same category. I am really impressed by the quality of this product. When every brewer over the years has tried to homogenize the flavor into a smooth soda pop like product, so much so that the only difference the beer drinker can detect is the labeling and supposed image of the beer inside. Trust me, I am saying nothing new about the brewing industry and I am not complaining as the average beer drinker will tell you that the "bad" tastes in a beer are really the hallmarks of a well brewed beer. People don't like an aftertaste and I really do not understand that as the aftertaste is simply the final stage of the tasting process. If your beer has an aftertaste resembling fresh garbage, I can see your point. This beer drinks smooth with a well thought out flavor and finished well in my opinion. This beer is inexpensive and also gives you flavor. Who'd have thunk it?

If you get the chance to give LaCrosse Lager a try, I recommend it and the brewery tour is worth the drive to La Crosse as well. The people of La Crosse have a good thing and they were smart to keep it going.

American Style Pilsner 4.5 points out of 5

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Stite Black and Tan

I like Stite, with its dry, no nonsense flavor and crisp finish. Alcohol is very present in this drink along with a mild malt background. I feel that it can be better at 8 bucks a six-pack however. It seems that they could do so much more with the flavor. I drink this regularly when I am at home and find it satisfying. I just think that such a small brewery could really create a good niche that so many others are pursuing by pulling all the stops and making the beer world class. I will still drink this beer as the small brewery needs all of us to stay in business. Think of the possibilities though. The packaging is classy with the choice of colors and the aluminum 12 ounce bottle. Follow through with the real deal and you will have a winner.

Black and Tan 3.5 out of 5 points.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Grain Belt Beer

Made by the August Schell Brewing Co. of New Ulm, MN, this beer is one of the former regional standards that has suffered under the hands of corporate takeovers. First, lets look at Grain Belt Breweries. In the 60's Grain Belt, of Minneapolis, MN bought out Storz Brewing Co of Omaha, NE. I feel that the purchase put some strain on the small brewery as it was not long before they were in trouble and were purchased by G. Heilemann of Lacrosse, WI. I don't know, I tried a lot of George Heilemann products over the years and did not like them. Anyway Grain Belt suffered over the years until the brand ended up with out a brewery when the Grain Belt Brewery was going to be closed. The brewery was purchased along with the recipe by an employee group. Some other name brands were developed and all seemed to go well and the beer by the way, was really good. In 2002 the brewery was sold and the brand names were handed over to the fine people at August Schell Brewing Company. The beer improved even more. I find the beer to be a very drinkable, strong, flavorful beer. Made with American Barley and American hops it has a flavor that differs from all those other Premium beers. I find it to be in a class by itself.

American Premium 4.5 out of 5 points