Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rainier Beer

This beer has suffered miserably over the years with all the mergers and shortsighted business decisions that the recipe has suffered. Don't get me wrong. I am not here to run down this beer by any means. I was at one time stationed in Hawaii. Rainier was abundant there and that was soon after the brewery was brought under the aegis of G. Heilemann brewing company of LaCrosse, WI. I was always talking to my friends about beer and the mistaken image that people had when it came to beer. So, I had a blind taste test of beer at my house with several friends that were Budweiser drinkers. Number 1 in the taste test was Rainier followed by Olympia. There were some converts that day. I saw one heck of a lot more Oly and Rainier at our barbeque's after that. Fast forward to a few years ago. I have no idea who was brewing Rainier at the time. The label had some vague references to a brewery with no phone number and a PO BOX. The beer was awful. Fast forward to today. It sure seems like the Miller Brewing Company (who is brewing the beer by contract) is following the recipe to the T. It is the same good beer I remember. One reason for this could be that the major brewers, rather than brewing sludge and putting it in Rainier cans, see Rainier and other former regional brands as an opportunity to develop market share and volume in an otherwise flat beer market. I would be willing to set this beer down next to Bud today and I think Rainier would come out on top.
American Style Premium - 4 out of 5 points

Rainier Beer

Full Sail Pale Ale

The first sip of this fine ale made by Full Sail Brewing of Hood River, Oregon right on interstate 84 really grabs you. That blast of hop madness assaults the tongue and you wonder at first if that is all there is. Second sip and the hops seem a bit more subdued and the warm maltiness comes in if not in a truly balanced role. This is clearly set up to put the hop flavor in its prominence. Not a lawnmower day beer, it is to be enjoyed when thirst is not the first priority. I certainly enjoyed it and you will too.

Shiner Bock

Whenever I am in Texas, I try to find Shiner Bock. It is not the best bock beer but it does have more flavor than the usual Premium beers that crowd the aisles. They have gotten better at their distribution reaching as far north as Nebraska and even Minnesota. I recommend this beer for the fact that it is a satisfying brew if you want a brew that is drinkable and will quench your thirst. It is by no means an esoteric craft beer. They do however have consistency down as I have drank this beer for years and am satisfied with its quality. Give it a try.

3.5 out of five points.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Stevens Point Brewery

I paid a visit to the Stevens Point Brewery in Stevens Point WI yesterday. I got there too late to tour but managed to buy a beer glass and a shirt. It was raining and I felt that the camera would suffer but I promise, I will return.

Point Spring Bock

Point Spring Bock Beer, Stevens Point, WI

Served in a Glass 55 degrees

Good God, Sweet malty hoppy frothy heaven! This beer even though it is intended to be a stodgy old Bock, is rather refreshing which is hard to say about the meal replacing Bock. Filling, equals bock, that is the rule only surpassed by a few scotch ales, barley wines and porters and stouts. This flavor was light on its feet and can you say mouth feel. I wonder if lactose is in use here...I have had some British ales with that same smoothness and the feeling that you had enjoyed a milky way in your mouth but it tastes like beer. You know? Seems almost in the flavor department that there is honey involved somewhere. Tastes like malt and hops in balanced concert. Molasses background with subtle coffee and chocolate undertones. Take a sip and swallow and the flavor and texture remain. This is a bock I would want to drink all the time. Well done.

Bock Beer 4.5 out of 5 points

Point Honey Light

Point Honey Light bought July 25th, Stevens Point, WI

Served In the Glass 50 deg

I have to say, I do not usually seek out the typical light beer. That having been said, I really don't feel that this is a light beer among light beers. There are calories there...125 of them...not a problem for me but I do come from the generation that produced Falstaff with 96 calories.

This beer had a nice light beer color. Somehow I envisioned a honey beer as darker but what is in the appearance. It has a nice hue to be sure and when it is poured it retains a nice head for a light beer. So far, so good. The smells are of light malt tones and a very slight honey-sweet presence. Also present are the alcohol esters that honey seems to add to beer. Not at all unpleasant. The flavor is well balanced and smooth. In fact, it reminded me of the base Point Special with the honey treatment. That is not at all bad as Special is great beer. I drank this one down and savored every sip. That is rare for a light beer. You ever notice that when you are drinking a light beer that the beer gets a bit foul as it gets to the bottom so you speed up the last few sips to get through it. Well, there is non of that going on here. I enjoyed that last bit just as much as the first. For a light beer that is no small feat. Good job Stevens Point Brewery. Point well made.

Light Beer 5 out of 5 points Job well done Point

Point Cascade Pale Ale

Bought-Stevens Point, WI July 26th in a variety 12 pack. $10.39

Served in a Point Special glass at 50 degrees f

Boy oh boy! This, being the first of my official reviews, all I can say is I am off with a bang. This ale is truly refreshing. I have been a Point Special drinker for years and had never had the chance to try this. The first thing that gets you is the spicy, fiery, strong punch of the cascade hops. Then just as quick there is a rush of mildly sweet malt to balance the bitter and roll on into a rather smooth well balanced ale. This ale reminds me of the same sort of style called California Pale that I have had several examples of over the years. Funny thing though...That first sip reminded me on a small scale of the cascade ale I had back in 1991 at Triple Rock in Berkeley, CA. Not quite as heavy on the hop punch but just as good. This ale is truly a winner and I hope that Stevens Point Brewery continues their great work. The common denominator with Point always seems to be smooth balance in all their beers.

Pale Ale-5 out of 5 points. Point well Made!

The Birth Of Beer Blasphemy

I am a beer lover. I am not a beer snob.

I have been a homebrewer for the last 24 years. Occasionally, I have a bad batch or a beer with a strange flavor. I never said that I was a perfect Homebrewer. Usually the best of my beers are much like the perfect crime. The only evidence that I brewed and brewed well is the empty bottles.

I have been through some training as a beer taster/judge with some organizations in years past where one is surrounded by snobs and elitist beer drinkers. I find that there is definitely a place for the person with the impeccable taste to choose the absolute pedigreed beer and make his or her opinion known about such beers with their books and articles.

With all the effort in the last 20 years to make beer a more wholesome, tastier, quality beverage for the American public, I find that there is indeed some rather well packaged swill making the rounds. I have friends and family that enjoy beer based on its buzz appeal. Don't get me wrong. I do not put these people down. They have the right to enjoy their brew of choice.

The point that I am trying badly to make here is that there are a lot of accepted beliefs when it comes to beer and beer drinking. There are also quite a few opinions that people gather when they go out to try a beer or when they read about the beer in an article or magazine. Everyone takes the ratings of beers so seriously. I feel that there is a need to change this.

First of all: Let's compare apples to apples for once. Why should a light beer be compared with a pale ale just because the reviewer is simply too lazy to group an opinion to one area of beer. Why give me a light beer opinion when you drink hefeweizen?
I will rate beers against their peers and try to focus on their attributes in language that you will enjoy.

I will give you no opinions from other peoples ratings. These will be mine and they will be detailed as much as possible. I want you to know my true opinion. I am not going to give you a pile of regurgitated crap and call it valid.

I will give you the city the beer came from and the price if possible.

I will not tell you that I prefer another beer but for your own good I am reviewing this beer etc. etc.

I will not try to sound like Michael Jackson or any other beer reviewing snob. No offense Michael, but you are too wrapped up in Belgium and some of that stuff is swill. I Like the Lindemanns Peche however.

Okay, Let's get on with it!