Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hmmm, I liked Schlitz during the 70's and I take a swig of this remarkable 1960's brew and I am taken back to the days of illegal purchases of beer and driving up to Mount Baldy and throwing Tall Boy cans down the hillsides when Johnny Law wanted to disrupt our alcohol fueled madness. Can you believe that we watched Stripes and were marching around up there in the thin atmosphere? What a bunch of propaganda that was. Anyway, I joined the Navy as I may fall prey to propaganda but I am not after all, an idiot.

Anyway, there is some malt, albeit small and some hops, yet not overwhelming and some soda poppy goodness in this brew. Don't get me wrong, I am not going all beer snob on you here, I am just trying to describe the goodness in this beer. I liked it. I am comparing this beer to any premium, American style Pilsner. This one ranks well among them. Will it come up with the gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival? Who the hell knows, those poor judges are in this case having to compare the taste of a dozen cotton balls. But it was refreshing and it was good.

You be the judge, Buy a sixer of this beer and write me with your opinion...get a sixer of Pabst and Miller and Bud...let me know...I am leaning towards 4 outta five however. Let me know as it would be interesting. D

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