Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Schlitz High Gravity VS

Schlitz in the large manly can with some semblance of the Schlitz Malt Liquor label. Hmmm, maybe I just might get Schlitz-faced. I purchase the can and ask for a paper bag and with the bag still over the can, I tear the bag open enough to be able to open and drink from the can. Oh, yeah. And now to hang out with my homies on the corner.

When I was younger, that was the image that occured near the liquor stores in Pomona as I was growing up. One would think that in some way, the beer would have evolved. In as much as there has been change in the marketing of malt liquor, there is something still very much the same about it. The razor has changed greatly in fifty or so years. But, when it all comes down to it, you are dragging a very sharp rock over your face to remove hair. With malt liquor, you are just dragging a very sharp rock over your brain cells to get very drunk.

I actually liked some of the elements of this beer. There was flavor and certainly potent alcohol esters throughout the process. There was so much sugar in this brew that it literally felt like corn sugar on the lips. This added to the mouth feel in some way. The hops were present but not prominent. No need for prominent hops with all the bitter alcohol stinking up the place. I found that I drank it down rather quick. Hmmm, strange, I figured that I would have to choke this beer down. It went down like sin. Ten minutes later, the result was there...a very prominent warmth that was a certain prelude to the headache to follow. Surprisingly, I did not end up with a headache. I also was impressed with this brew. I would however caution that unless you are a glutton for pain, only one 24 ounce can will do. Much more and you will be telling these stories about projection vomiting and three day recovery times to your grandchildren in order to scare them away from drinking. The alcohol content is in at over 8.5 percent, which, reminds me of the old Okeef's Extra Strong from Canada. I found this brew to have a place...perhaps, it tastes the same coming up as going down?

3 out of 5 Points- Merit as this one is made with much more quality than common in malt liquors.

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