Sunday, August 5, 2007

Stite Black and Tan

I like Stite, with its dry, no nonsense flavor and crisp finish. Alcohol is very present in this drink along with a mild malt background. I feel that it can be better at 8 bucks a six-pack however. It seems that they could do so much more with the flavor. I drink this regularly when I am at home and find it satisfying. I just think that such a small brewery could really create a good niche that so many others are pursuing by pulling all the stops and making the beer world class. I will still drink this beer as the small brewery needs all of us to stay in business. Think of the possibilities though. The packaging is classy with the choice of colors and the aluminum 12 ounce bottle. Follow through with the real deal and you will have a winner.

Black and Tan 3.5 out of 5 points.

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