Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Stag by Heileman? Heilemann in Milwaukee? Oh well, it is Stag none the less and It is really not a bad beer. It was inexpensive and somewhat drinkable. There used be a story my uncle Mac would tell me. Back in the day, if you had a friend come over and you were to offer him a beer and all you had left was some Stag, he would reply, "that's OK, I'll go thirsty". That was in the 70's and that was also when G. Heilemann Brewing Company of La Crosse, WI was in their heyday...they were buying up breweries, including Stag of Edwardsville, IL. What they, in my opinion, were not well known for, was producing great tasting beer. Over rated in my opinion, even their premium brands...they all had that stale flavor. Gross. This however is much better and I recommend it as it is probably much closer to the original recipe than Heilemann ever got and that is the truth.

3 out of 5 Hey, I didn't wretch and gag and I am still alive to tell the tale...it was good.

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