Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Empyrean Burning Skye

Empyrean Brewing Company...it just used to be good old Laslo's in stinkin' Lincoln which was the first brewpub in Nebraska. Brewed good beers and had fine eats in the old Clothing Store building in the market area of Lincoln. Then they decided to get all pretentious and name the beers weird names and get all fancy with the ingredients. OK, no fault there, as the beer is still good.

This is a Scottish Style Ale. Whatever. It could be named several things as far as I am concerned and the general drinking pub customer will not be the wiser. However, there is some real effort at being "Scottish". 2 row crystal, Honey, Rauch, Maris Otter and Chocolate malts were all used in conjunction with happy cascade hops for the bittering. There is a good deal of malt going on there and sweetness that is barely foiled by the cascades. It smells of peat, soil and spicy hops and pours with a nice off white head. It drinks smooth and it is sweet as I said but what the hell is it. I have had this beer before and it was named something else. I can't put a finger on it. It is good though.

4 out of 5 points No points for trying to mess with the names of beers though...

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