Saturday, January 5, 2008

Neptune's Brewery Toad Back Bock

I just do not get it. Livingston, Montana...yep, Neptune would be just the perfect name that will fit right in. And of course, when I think of Neptune, I also connect that entirely with toads. Toads? Boy, I just love the idea of thinking of toad parts while drinking my beer and I tell you, it is a good darn thing that they chose to put a picture of Neptune on the label instead on a toads backside. It is just a good thing that the beer is good. Neptune's Brewery LLC is located at 119 N L st. in Livingston, Montana. I am sure that this is a nice, small, location. I just do not get the Neptune's thing.

The beer is nice however. Heavy, yet with pleasant chocolate, nutmeg tones. Nice head and dark coffee dark color. Very drinkable and very satisfying. Light bitter finish, not what I would call a really sweet beer, but nice light sweetness abounds. Really good, and yet I almost did not try it because of the odd name.

4.75 out of 5 points Prost!

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