Friday, July 27, 2007

Point Cascade Pale Ale

Bought-Stevens Point, WI July 26th in a variety 12 pack. $10.39

Served in a Point Special glass at 50 degrees f

Boy oh boy! This, being the first of my official reviews, all I can say is I am off with a bang. This ale is truly refreshing. I have been a Point Special drinker for years and had never had the chance to try this. The first thing that gets you is the spicy, fiery, strong punch of the cascade hops. Then just as quick there is a rush of mildly sweet malt to balance the bitter and roll on into a rather smooth well balanced ale. This ale reminds me of the same sort of style called California Pale that I have had several examples of over the years. Funny thing though...That first sip reminded me on a small scale of the cascade ale I had back in 1991 at Triple Rock in Berkeley, CA. Not quite as heavy on the hop punch but just as good. This ale is truly a winner and I hope that Stevens Point Brewery continues their great work. The common denominator with Point always seems to be smooth balance in all their beers.

Pale Ale-5 out of 5 points. Point well Made!

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