Friday, August 22, 2008

Avery 14'er ESB

Oh, Yeah, there it is right there...heavy, copper, creamy, wholesome, frigging goodness in an always too darn small bottle but there are five more in the darn six-pack damned if I didn't manage to buy 4 of those and just sit here and enjoy what I have. Sweet and hops dominate and do battle in a good way where there are strong flavors and yet there is also balance. Mild malt and earthy scents come from where this brew is poured, adding to the trance like effects of over the top beer brewing. Gotta love it...I sure do.

5 points as this brew and many others by Avery represent a gold standard. This brew is simply what I call block and tackle...drink a case and walk a can tackle just about anything. Write me and tell me I am wrong.

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